Easy quote software

Send pro quotes with eSignature and online payment.

Sell ​​more with clean quotes

Present your products and services in a professional way.

Send clear, comprehensive quotes to your leads. Simply drag and drop building blocks to add product descriptions, beautiful images or other additional information.

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Good prices for a good return

Design, implement and adjust your pricing strategy to maximize your revenue.

Use price list rules to calculate the right price based on customer conditions.

Persuade customers to buy more with discounts and coupons.

Sorting orders & contracts

Automate operations so you can focus on customer relationships and generate more revenue

From quote to purchase order

Convert quotes to purchase orders with a single click, or let the customer approve them with a simple electronic signature.

Contract management

Invoice customers on time, easily record contracts, track billing phases, preserve renewal and upsell opportunities, and manage your subscriptions with Odoo's recurring contracts.

Help your customers help themselves

The customer portal allows your customers to access their quotes, purchase orders and delivery notes. Save time and use eSignature to easily sign NDAs, contracts or any other PDF document.


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How do I get Leads in the CRM Module?

Leads can be added either manually or through an API interaction with any form on any website. The advantage is that you have the flexibility to design the form to align with the fields in the CRM module, or you can simply create the form, and upon submission, the fields will be automatically generated within the CRM system.

Additionally, through various APIs, you can explore alternative methods to gather leads from different sources. If you have any queries or need assistance with this process, our friendly team is here to help.

When I convert a Lead or Opportunity, can I do quotes from the CRM Module?

Indeed, upon accessing an opportunity or lead, you will find the quotation button, allowing you to send proposals directly to potential customers. This integration keeps all relevant information together with the lead or opportunity and will be reflected in subsequent reports.

These reports will analyze your Sales Team's or individual performance, providing insights into how it aligns with the Sales Targets.

Can Leads be automatically assigned to a Targeted Sales Team / Individual?

Each lead has the flexibility of being assigned automatically to the user who creates it, the team, or a specific individual. The Team settings offer customization options for determining how leads are distributed among team members. Additionally, forms submitted from a website, generating leads in the ERP system, can also be directed to the appropriate recipients.

Notably, the module maintains a record of the lead's source, providing valuable information about its origin.

Is it possible to separate customers, quotes and invoices for each customer so they see only their own things?

Indeed, it is possible to segregate different elements within the ERP system. This can be achieved using "Record Rules," which can be applied to specific User Roles requiring data separation.

These rules allow for intricate customization, ensuring that certain actions can be performed as per the specific needs. In case you encounter any complexities or have specific requirements, our friendly support team is readily available to assist and accommodate your unique needs.